Sunday, December 21, 2008

Putting CHRIST back in CHRISTmas!

I'm sure you have seen the bumper stickers or t-shirts that say, "Put CHRIST back in CHRISTmas." Here is my question. What exactly does that mean? Unfortunately, I think this, like many other Christian subjects, becomes all about making a point and not sharing Christ's love. There are three groups of people who will see these signs.
1) Those who already know Christ, and very little impact will be made on this group since they already know Christ's love.
2) Those who don't know Christ and take offense to it.
3) Those who don't know Christ and just don't care about it.
I'm not saying that Christians need to sit back and be quiet, because we may offend someone with our beliefs. What I am saying is that we need to put some thought into what our message is. How do we put Christ back in Christmas? How many people will put on these t-shirts or bumper stickers and use that very car to drive by someone who needs help? How many people will struggles through the holidays and never experience Christ's love?
Imagine the impact that could be made if every Christian who spent $15 on these t-shirts, spent that money on peanut butter, jelly, and some bread. Then used that to feed the homeless. Or use it to buy a small toy and deliver it to a child whose parents are unable to provide gifts to their children. That is putting CHRIST back in CHRISTmas. I'm far from perfect, and I only point out flaws that I myself have in order to hopefully inspire others.
I am not saying that everyone who has one of these t-shirts or bumper stickers is doing wrong by having them. It is important that people know there are Christians out there that are not going to just roll over and give up our rights and beliefs. My point is that actions speak louder than words. Wear your t-shirt or drive your bumper sticker covered car out somewhere these holidays and do something. Imagine if every Christian family would perform one simple act of kindness in the name of Christ during the holidays.
I think it is time we start trying to put CHRIST back in CHRISTian!!!


Blogger Ryan May said...

Amen, Travis!

December 26, 2008 at 8:09 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

Good to chat with you Travis. Thanks for the encouragement. We are coming to visit you guys the 18th. I agree that people make the church. People are the church. I think many church planters are understanding that more than many of our traditional churches and that is where the life change comes. It is caring about the people and their lives. Excited for you guys and for God to continue to do amazing things in our city. Nice house by the way.

January 8, 2009 at 6:33 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Which blog is your main blog?

January 8, 2009 at 6:33 PM  

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